
TO BE BY YOUR SIDE            Nick Cave

Across the oceans, across the seas            越過海洋

Over forests of blackened trees             越過幽深樹林

Through valleys so still we dare not breathe       越過寂靜得令人屏息的山谷

To be by your side                    回到你身邊

Over the shifting desert plains             越過變幻的沙漠平原

Across mountains all in flames             越過火燄中的重山峻嶺

Through howling winds and fringing rains       越過狂風和暴雨

To be by your side                  回到你身邊

Every mile and every year              一哩復一哩,一年復一年

For everyone a little tear             給每個人一點眼淚

I can not explain this, dear             親愛的,我無法解釋

I will not even try                 我甚至不會去嘗試

Into the night as the stars collide         在星星相遇時進入夜色裡

Across the border that divide            穿過分隔石化森林的邊界

Forest of stone standing petrified

To be by your side                回到你身邊

Every mile and every year            一哩復一哩,一年復一年

For everyone a single tear            給每個人一滴眼淚

I can not explain this, dear            親愛的,我無法解釋

I will not even try                我甚至不會去嘗試

For I know one thing                因為我知道一件事

Love comes on a wing                愛乘羽翼而來

For tonight I will be by your side            今晚我將會在你身邊

But tomorrow I will fly                 但明天我將高飛

From the deepest oceans to the highest peak    從最深的海洋到最高的山巔

Through the frontiers of your sleep          越過你沉睡的邊境

Into the valley where we dare not speak       進入那令我倆靜默的山谷

To be by your side                  回到你身邊

Across the endless wilderness            越過令所有野獸低頭的無盡荒原

Where all the beasts bow down their heads.

Darling , I will never rest till             親愛的,我將不眠不息

I am by your side                    直到我回到你身邊

Every mile and every year             一哩復一哩,一年復一年

Time and distance disappear              時間和距離消逝

I can not explain this , dear             親愛的,我無法解釋

No , I will not even try                不,我甚至不會嘗試

And I know just one thing            而我只知道一件事

Love comes on a wing                愛乘羽翼而來

And tonight I will be by your side        今晚我將會在你身邊

But tomorrow I will fly away            但明天我將飛向遠方

Love rises with the day               愛與日俱增

And tonight I may be by your side          今晚我也許在你身邊

But tomorrow I will fly               但明天我將高飛

Tomorrow I will fly                明天我將高飛

Tomorrow I will fly                明天我將高飛





抓回來以後,才知道這是Nick Cave的歌









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